Saturday 22 May 2010

Ashes to Ashes Final Episode

The episode was brilliant! I'm glad that they had the resolve to go with the bittersweet ending for Alex, rather than have her be re-united with Molly. It made sense in the context of the show, and was a pleasingly mature way to finish Alex's story. Of course, we still got an upbeat note to go out on, with the new arrival to the Gene Genie's jungle.

They played the religious angle about as hard as they could without explicitly declaring the situation - I said before the episode that I'd prefer it played down, but I'll admit error on that. It worked perfectly! Daniel Mays' over-acting in the part of Jim Keats (was he the Devil?) was great, if a little too manic given he was trying to tempt the gang into going with him. And the poor old Quattro! At least Genie got a swish new motor to replace it. It was a fantastic way to put an end to the show.

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